


House Rules








      A national-pastime variation on 7-card stud, with lots of wild and weird cards...


        This is just like 7-Card Stud, but with the following extras:

  • 3's are always wild.  They cost you money (2 basic units, usually $.50 at my games) if they're face up.  You must either pay for the wild card or fold.

  • 9's are always wild.  They cost you money (4 basic units, usually $1.00 at my games) if they're face up.  You must either pay for the wild card or fold.

  • 4's, when dealt face up, automatically immediately get you an extra card face-up from the top of the deck.  (4's are not wild, though!)


      This game is another one of our favorites - give it a try!  Powerful hands tend to win, because of the 8 wild cards and possibility for more than 7 cards per player.  Play ball!